A Salutary Lesson?

mediation conflict

It is not often that people blog about their business failures, but today’s post is all about a proposal for a workplace mediation that we made which was not accepted, primarily on grounds of cost. The reason we are blogging about it is because, somewhat unusually, we were made aware of the eventual outcome of the situation we were proposing to mediate and we believe it serves as a salutary lesson to those who think that mediation is not worth the cost.

We spend a lot of time talking to prospective clients about the cost of mediation and how spending money on mediation will usually lead to very substantial savings. Continue reading “A Salutary Lesson?”

Don’t Give A Dam…

Following the Supreme Court decision last week that the Government’s Employment Tribunal fees scheme was unlawful and had to be scrapped, companies like Peninsula are predicting (perhaps somewhat hysterically and perhaps because it is in their interests to do so) that the dam is about to burst and that there is about to be a surge of new Employment Tribunal claims. Although few people expect the number of claims to climb straight back up to previous levels and although the Government may yet seek to introduce a revised fees regime that is less objectionable, there is almost certainly going to be an increase in claims. Continue reading “Don’t Give A Dam…”